miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Distance Education

What does a distance education degree do?? Well a distance education qualification helps people to get that new job that requires that elusive degree.

Choosing an online distance education degree

When choosing an online degree many factors need to be taken into consideration: 

  • Time - Working people have time restraints, but studying online can be alot more manageable saving many hours travelling to and from a university campus.

  • Reputation - An established distance learning institution provides the student with the knowledge they a getting a REAL degree from a quality institution.

  • Job prospects - Statistics continuously have proven that workers with a degree are highly likely to get a job and not only earn more than workers without a degree, but also more likely to earn promotions periodically.

    Why undertake an online degree

    Undertaking a degree is not only an expensive task but one that requires dedication, the question is , is it worth it? Well it is a resounding YES, as previously stated statistics, historically, politically, socially, the more highly educated you are , the higher chances you have of landing that dream job you have always wished for. 
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